Travel is my dream

A beautiful little mountain placed in the middle of the very first tea estate named 'Loolcondera' which was first planted in 1867 by the scotsman 'James Taylor'. This is placed near the town 'Deltota' which is a one and a half  ride away from Kandy in Kandy-Hewahata road.

Our hiking crew started the journey at 8 in the morning. We got there by a bus and the entrance to the estate was on the bus route and a little stream was flowing by.

The path to Kondagala laid through the loolcondera estate and both sides of the road was tea plantation. It was a bit hot out there. 

There was a 5 km walk to get to the bottom of Kondagala.
On the way we got to see some remains of James Taylor's old tea estate.

James Taylor seat

From there the hike was through some tall trees and it was not that hard to climb. Once we got right under the rock 'Kondagala' a giant bee hive was right over our heads. As it was visible to us there were a few different paths that leads to the top of the rock and the path we chose was said to be the easiest. Then there was a bit of a climb to get to the top. Altogether it took about 3 hours for the whole hiking experience.

Kodagala from a distance
Once we got to the top the view was mind blowing. Vast area was visible from the top of Kondagala as it was a high peak. The wind was a bit rough up there.

view from the top


crew on top

It was one hell of an experience. Though the destination is not known by many it is worth a visit.Hope you enjoyed!


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